Journal Monday July 7th, 2014......Today was day one of our stint as English teachers/babysitters at the nearby preschools……
With six volunteers from America, being myself, Jesse, Kevin, Annie, Michael, and Shuyu, four Chinese volunteers, Susan, Summer, Serena, and Daniel, plus our administrative personnel, Cindy, we divided ourselves into two separate groups to tackle two separate preschools……. By the end of the day, we were utterly exhausted already and were extremely ready to go back to the hotel. Dinner was nice, and our seventh volunteer, Ivy, finally arrived. Afterwards we played many rowdy games of Mafia. Even though it was all very tiring, we still had a lot of fun.
Journal Tuesday July 8th, 2014……. Annie and I went back to our mid-level class, filled with adorable faces, and proceeded to watch them do their morning exercises……. At lunch, the same food as yesterday was served,
Chinaway Summer Program offers American students valuable opportunities to volunteer and intern in Mainland China. Though 2014 Chinaway Program is finished, but it had made an indelible impression on most students' mind. In a very different enviroment, and from a different view, they could learn how these chrildren in China study, play or think. As it is said when they help these students, they help themselves think in different perspections.
This summer, we had finished 3 projects :
...It seems so long ago that everyone was together in ChinaWay. Our hearts broke when we had to say good-bye. Here, we made such great friends, met so many amazing people, visited awesome places and experienced incredible things. -- Angela
ChinaWay 2013中国暑假志愿者社会实践项目
从2009年起,我们通过与中国团中央青少年部,四川省教育局,团委,侨联等多个机构合作,每年组织美国高中生在暑假到中国做志愿者,认识中国,帮助中国,提高自己。我们的社会实践项目从关爱四川地震灾区,到帮助中国弱势群体的孩子;从教中国孩子英语口语,各种文化课,到亲身体验做熊猫饲养员,关爱中国孤寡老人,自闭症孩子,非常多姿多采。这些活动在中国得到了很好的反响,对美国学生也获益非浅。他们大大开拓了孩子的国际视野,锻炼了他们服务社会的技能,提高了他们的中文能力,丰富了他们社会知识与人文知识,加强了他们走入社会的目的性与适应力,得到了家长与孩子的广泛赞扬。(往年项目信息见, )
· 在自闭症中心做志愿者
· 爱心活动,关爱中国弱势儿童,走访农村学校
· 给灾区献爱心,参观灾区学校,给孩子上英语及美国文化课
· 零距离接触中国国宝大熊猫,到大熊猫基地实习
· 到“成都非物质文化遗产园”做义工,并将资料整理为英文。
· 在成都学习基地为中国孩子上英语课
Teaching Summary and Reflection by Wesley Guo
Day 1
On the first day for teaching, we taught them some basic introductions in English, and had them practice a little bit of conversation. The games we played were charades, hangman, and Truth or Dare. We also taught them to sing some songs. My favorite part of the day was playing the games with them. Overall they seemed to enjoy them. I would have preferred if we knew a little bit more about what the teaching would be like before we went in, although I understand there was a lot of schedule confusion.
Day 2
On Tuesday we mainly played more games. In the morning, we played 20 questions and a memory game where the kids had to remember an increasingly long list of English words. In the afternoon, we played some more games like Telephone, where they had to pass a message on down a line of people. In the final 30 minutes, we did a little bit of teaching: we helped them smooth out their pronunciation by teaching them about the paintbrush idea (all credit for the idea goes to Mike). Basically, when the students spoke, they spoke very choppy sentences. We wanted them to speak smooth sentences, like a paintbrush painting one smooth line across a piece of paper. To help them understand the concept, we had them draw with an imaginary paintbrush. I felt like this part of the lesson worked well. I would have liked to do more teaching on this day. I would also recommend that future teachers try to connect with the kids as early as possible (learning their names and things). It really helps.