6/20/2020 - 7/4/2020 都江堰英文支教
In 2020, we will continue the our volunteers program of Education Aid in Dujiangyan. Dujiangyan has inherited the ancient Chinese civilization and has benefited from the spirit of world volunteerism during the reconstruction from 2008 earthquake damages. A lot of children living in rural areas still lack of educational resources and lack a channel to connect with the world. We will teach these children and enable them to learn about the outside world.
2020年我们将一如既往地推出到都江堰的支教项目。都江堰既有中国古代文明的传承, 又得益于地震重建的世界志愿者精神。那里的广大乡村孩子还是缺乏教育资源,缺乏了解世界的渠道,所以支教乡村,关爱他人,让农村的孩子也可以了解外面的世界。
Student volunteers will improve selves by supporting rural schools, teaching classes, and interacting with the children. The volunteers participating in the project should love teaching, be responsible, and learn quickly. They will practice their public speaking, organizational skills, social interaction, teamwork and leadership skills. Participating in social practice, with their own knowledge and expertise to serve the community, is a good practice of the ability to solve real-life problems when the volunteers prepare to enter the society. Traveling to China for this volunteer project will give the participants an in-depth understanding of China's social structure and culture, improve their Chinese language level, challenge your organizational skills, and develop their ability to adapt to life.
Tasks in the Education Aid Project: Introduce American culture to children living in rural areas and poor children living in urban areas; Teaching the children how to speak English; Getting to know the villages in the Chengdu area and learning how to communicate with local children; Visiting the home of children in rural areas to learn about the culture and issues of rural China; Touring local attractions to learn about Chinese traditional culture; Volunteering at the Panda Breeding and Research Base to learn how to protect pandas;
支教内容:给乡村孩子,城市贫民孩子介绍美国文化,给乡村孩子上英语口语课,深入了解成都乡村,与当地孩子交流,到农村孩子家参观做客,了解中国农村的文化,问题, 参观当地文化景点,了解中国传统文化,到熊猫基地做义工,了解如何保护熊猫.
可能的支教学校包括:Possible volunteers schools include:
胥家学校, 七一学校,是教6年级学生,主要要让孩子开口说话,介绍美国文化,看图作文,配合当地学校的教材
In XuJia school, Qiyi school,the task is to teach elementary school students, mainly to enable the children to speak English, introduce American culture, writing by looking at pictures, with the local school teaching materials.
Dujiangyan Occupational School: We will introduce the American culture, daily life, transportation and work environments; teach English related to their professions, and corresponding English vocabulary.
Dujiangyan High School: Students in China who graduated from middle school (equivalent to graduating 9th grade in the United States). At this high school, we will mainly to improve students speaking English ability. The teaching way may be like: an American student leading 4 to 5 Chinese students. The teaching contents include American high school campus life, American culture, U.S. university application process, English expression ability and debate contests.
初步行程 Program Schedule (届时可能会有调整)
日期 Date |
内容(具体形行程内容更具实际情况调整) The schedule may be adjusted according to the actual circumstances. |
Day1 |
成都机场全天接机,安排住宿,熟悉同学 Pick up from CTU airport all day, arrange living accommodations. |
Day2 |
分组,相互熟悉,全体培训. Separate into groups, getting to know each other, training. |
Day3 |
动身到都江堰学校,下午开学仪式,文艺表演。 Travel to DuJiangYan, opening ceremony in the afternoon, performances. |
Day4 |
全天在都江堰学校教课,晚上自由活动 Teaching all day in DuJiangYan, free time in the evening |
Day5 |
全天在都江堰学校教课,晚上自由活动,或集体活动 Teaching all day in DuJiangYan, free time or group activities in the evening |
Day6 |
全天在都江堰学校教课,晚上自由活动 Teaching all day in DuJiangYan, free time in the evening |
Day7 |
全天在都江堰学校教课,晚上自由活动 Teaching all day in DuJiangYan, free time in the evening |
Day8 |
参观古城或都江堰水利工程。 Tour of the ancient city or Dujiangyan water conservancy project. |
Day9 |
到熊猫中心做义工, Volunteering at the Panda Center, |
Day10 |
到都江堰高中教学,开幕仪式, 全天在都江堰学校教课,晚上自由活动 Teaching all day in DuJiangYan and having an opening ceremony free time in the evening |
Day11 |
全天在都江堰学校教课,晚上自由活动,或集体活动 Teaching all day in DuJiangYan, free time or group activities in the evening |
Day12 |
全天在都江堰学校教课,晚上自由活动 Teaching all day in DuJiangYan, free time in the evening |
Day13 |
辩论比赛,闭营表演,回到成都 Debate competition, closing party with performances, back to Chengdu |
Day14 |
全天成都参观,购物 All day tour of Chengdu and shopping |
Day15 |
成都机场送机. Airport drop off at CTU |