
GLI & ChinaWay Scholarship

GLI (Global Leadership Initiative) and ChinaWay have created a scholarship for low-income students in rural Chinese schools. The purpose of creating this scholarship is to recognize those who have outstanding achievements in school and to prevent them from dropping out only for financial reasons, such as one or both parents losing their ability to work or passing away. We want to help stop the vicious cycle of poverty in its tracks.
This is a scholarship of 3,000 RMB, which is divided into 1,000 RMB each year for all of middle/junior high school, and the students’ average class scores should be 75 or more to continue receiving this scholarship.
Application Requirements:
1.     Annual income less than 20,000 RMB.
2.     Average class scores of 75 or more Or students with special talents
3.     Applicants will submit essays about why they go to school and their love for learning. A teacher recommendation letter is also required.


GLI (Global Leadership Initiative) 和 ChinaWay 志愿者项目决定共同在中国乡镇学校设立贫困学生奖学金。奖学金 目的是帮助中国家庭贫困,成绩优良的农村学生完成初中学业,不会因为贫困,家庭变故而中途辍学,失去将来发展,落入贫困的恶性循环境地。



  1. 家庭贫困,家境困难,如单亲,有面临失学的危险者;
  2. 热爱学习,心地善良,人品正直,中考成绩良好,有优秀特长者优先.
  3. 申请者必须递交文书关于为什么喜欢上学?上学的意义,老师的推荐信。


This year Chinaway Volunteer Program finished. See you in 2025.

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  • GLI & Chinaway Scholarship


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