2025 Chinaway Volunteers Program

Chinaway Volunteers Program Background


Chinaway 义工支教活动主要是每年暑假期间组织美国高中生到中国乡村学校教授英语口语和进行中美文化交流。根据时代的与时俱进和中国学校的要求,今年的口语教授将主要围绕:英语辩论,英语专题讨论,英语舞台剧表演等形式进行。支教的地方是中国成都,都江堰,温江以及成都周围的乡镇。

项目时间:2025年6月21日至7月19日,分两期。第一期:6/21 ~7/5; 第二期:7/5~7/19(所有时间都是中国时间)



如果你希望锻炼自己的领导能力,演讲能力,合作能力,创造能力,学术能力,提高自己的中文水平,了解中国文化,感受中国的发展变化,获得独特的人生体验与经历,欢迎你参加Chinaway Volunteers Program.

Project Introduction

Chinaway Volunteers Program have been teaching spoken English and American culture in Chinese villages and towns during the summer vacation. According to the today’s requirements of schools and villages, this year's oral teaching will focus on: English debate, English panel discussion, and English drama play. The teaching places are Dujiangyan, Wenjiang and the surrounding towns of Chengdu.

Project time: June 21 to July 19, 2025, divided into two phases. Phase 1: June 21 to July 5; Phase 2: July 5 to July 19 (all times are China time)

Project content: Enter local schools, communities, new villages, teach local students spoken English, rehearse English drama, practice daily English expression, learn English debate or English discussion, English reading and American culture; conduct cultural exchanges with Chinese communities and villages; serve as a teacher or teacher assistant in Chinese summer classes and summer camps; learn about Chinese culture and experience being a keeper at a giant panda base; and visit local cultural relics.

Task in Program: Participating students will enter classrooms in township schools and community classrooms to teach English conversations, speeches, debates, or plays, and teach American songs or poems. The grades of Chinese students may range from grade 1 in elementary school to grade 1 in high school (grades 1 to 9). You need to write your own teaching materials, arrange courses, and manage the classroom. The goal of teaching is to make all Chinese children who participate in the activities speak English. Participate in and organize local rural public welfare summer camps. The courses to be taught include, but are not limited to: English conversations, singing, dancing, English dramas, American games, painting, etc. You can be an assistant to Chinese teachers and simply translate the classroom content of Chinese teachers into English, so that Chinese children can improve their English vocabulary and enrich their international perspectives. These jobs will not only exercise your ability to express yourself in Chinese and English, but also your organizational skills, problem-solving skills, artistic creativity, academic research, and so on.

If you want to practice your leadership, presentation, cooperation, creativity, academic ability, improve your Chinese language skills, learn more about Chinese culture, experience the development of China, and gain a unique life experience, welcome to join Chinaway Volunteers Program.

项目日程(Project schedule,具体行程内容根据实际情况可能会调整)

日期 Date

内容 (work)



Pick up from Shuangliu airport all day, arrange living accommodations.



Groups team, study and discussion, presentation of lessons



Teach English in primary and secondary schools or work as a teacher in summer camps.



Teach English in primary and secondary schools or work as a teacher in summer camps.



Teach English in primary and secondary schools or work as a teacher in summer camps.



Teach English in primary and secondary schools or work as a teacher in summer camps.



Rest and visit local attractions



Cultural exchanges in the community or research camp.



Work as a teacher or teaching assistant in a high school or summer program.



Work as a teacher or teaching assistant in a high school or summer program.



Work as a teacher or teaching assistant in a high school or summer program.



Work as a teacher or teaching assistant in a high school or summer program.



Volunteering at the Panda Center, return back to Chengdu


游览成都Touring Chengdu



Shuangliu Airport drop off at CTU

报名要求 Registration requirements

  • 1) 此项目接受报名时在读9年级及9年级以上的学生, 或通过我们培训取得好成绩的8年级学生。
  • 2) 学生自愿参加,敢于开口讲课,身心健康,积极向上,热爱中国文化,能按要求完成教学工作,能够独立生活。


    This project accepts students who are in grade 9 or above, or students in grade 8 who have approved in our training. The students request to participate by themselves, dare to speak on the stage, be physically and mentally healthy, positive, love Chinese culture, be able to complete teaching work as required, and be able to live independently.

    报名步骤 Registration process:

  • 1,填写网上报名表,点击: Chinaway Application Form
  • 2,交报名费100美元:zelle to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,(报名费不退,如果是回头学生,或参加过培训的学生,交了项目捐款后会退回报名费)
  • 3,完成了上述两步后,你会收到我们的通知邮件,包括Chinaway的培训视频,然后按照邮件完成其它相应手续。
  • 项目支教捐款1800(支付在中国的吃,住,行,保险,捐款,游览与组织陪同人员费用)。
  • 早鸟优惠:2月28日前早交款将获得5% 的优惠;
  • 逾期罚款: 晚于4月30日,将加收10%的加急处理费用。

  • 1. First fill out the online form click:The Application Form
  • 2. Pay the registration fee $100:zelle to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (registration fees are non-refundable. If you are a returning student or participated in training student,the registration fee will be refunded after you pay the donation.)
  • 3. After completing the above two steps, you will receive a notification email from us, and then follow the email to complete other appropriate procedures.
  • The mission trip donation of $1800 (Pay for food, accommodation, transportation, insurance, donations, sightseeing and organizing accompanying personnel in China).
  • Early Bird Discount: 5% discount for early payment before 02/28/2025
  • Late Payment Penalty:10% expedited processing fee will be charged after 04/30/2025.

    ***义工小时说明 Volunteer Hours Clarification:


    Depending on the China teaching arrangements, this project can provide 60 to 100 volunteer hours in China each term; pre-trip training, teaching preparation, group leadership and other work may receive up to 80 hours of volunteer time.

    ***接机说明 Pick-up instructions

  • 整天接机表明在指定日期24小时内接机,超过此段时间要单独支付50美元接机费用。
  • 接机是双流机场,也免费接送成都高铁站,但如果你飞到天府机场,接待方将额外收取50美元交通费。
  • All day pickup indicates 24 hours pickup on the specified date, beyond which a separate $50 fee will apply.
  • Pick up is Shuangliu airport, also free Pick up Chengdu high-speed rail station, but if you fly to Tianfu airport, the host will charge an additional $50 transportation fee.
  • Volunteering

    2025 Chinaway Volunteer Program Start Enrolling

  • 往日项目回顾:Galleries
  • Blog: Multidimensional Think

  • GLI & Chinaway Scholarship


    Have questions? 
    Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Call at:
    925-265-8591,(925) 478-3968; (Mon ~ Fri 10am ~ 5pm PST),
    (408) 359-5776,925-699-6135 (Mon ~ Sun 6pm ~ 8pm PST)
    WeChat Parents Group:
    Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for joining the WeChat group.